Tuesday, November 30, 2010

tHe bIG ApPLe

went to visit Jam this fall in NYC. Was so fun.
I miss my sissy... love you jam!

She already blogged most the cool pics.
i'm too slow. But here are a few more...
i love tea time... but....
this is actually at a hole-in-the-wall Cuban restaurant
were the food was muy muy deliciouso.
a walk through central park...
ha... this is the day that Hasen and I were trying to
make it to the botanical gardens.
We took the wrong train and somehow we ended up in Coney Island.
It was one of the best days though...it was deserted and we just took fun pictures.
we eventually found the botanical gardens
the only place to find some peace & tranquility
many sub-rides later...
dos Cubana chicas
my grams saw this pic. and asked me if i had a brother she just never knew about..?
jam and NyC...
i know we had to part but i miss your lovely faces already!
oh & lastly... a video of the rADesT NyC bEAt BoXEr EvER.... you better watch, took 4ever to upload.

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